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      Join me at PGDay Australia 2017 to see how easy it is to contribute to the PostgreSQL community.

      The PostgreSQL community thrives due to the fantastic people from around the world who contribute to its code and feature-set development. I have been asked to present a session at PGDay Australia 2017 (17 November in Melbourne) to help everyone understand how you can get involved to make your own mark on PostgreSQL.

      The first thing to know is that both individuals and companies can contribute. The next is that there are multiple ways to get connected. You can pick the path that best suits your skills and time availability. I'll be outlining these in my presentation.

      You should also be aware that PostgreSQL is a global community and as such we invite people from all over the world no matter your language or location.

      Why Get Involved in PostgreSQL?

      A developer may decide to contribute their time and skills because they're employed by a PostgreSQL consultancy such as Fujitsu Australia Software Technology and want to improve the database to help a customer. Other developers are users at a company that deploys PostgreSQL and need a new feature to achieve their goals. While others do it for fun or to be a part of a significant open-source movement.

      You'll leave my presentation at PGDay Australia on 17 November knowing how easy it is to contribute to PostgreSQL.

      I look forward to meeting you at PGDay Australia 2017.

      Topics: PostgreSQL community, PostgreSQL development, PGDay Australia

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