Our enterprise-grade PostgreSQL database delivers enhanced security, performance, and resilience on multiple platforms and cloud vendors.
Fujitsu's enterprise version of PostgreSQL extends the security, performance, and high availability features of the open source version.
Read what technology can do to reduce the impact of human activity on climate change, and how Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres can set you on track for greener operations.
Check how Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres on IBM LinuxONE™ embraces open source and improves data security, performance, and business continuity for your organization.
This enterprise data management system provides effective solutions to common business challenges including security, speed, support, and cost savings. Read how.
Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres enhances PostgreSQL with enterprise-ready features, support, performance, and availability to reduce costs compared to proprietary systems and eliminate vendor lock-in.
Fujitsu incorporated PostgreSQL open source into its enterprise data management platform to embrace the concept of open source software (OSS) first.
Fujitsu has enhanced the community PostgreSQL platform with greater speed, security, and support so our enterprise clients can maximize their data value.
Vertical Clustered Index (VCI) is the proprietary implementation of In-Memory Columnar Index by Fujitsu to significantly improve aggregation processing and support HTAP workload. It can result in up to 5x performance gains.
Data is the currency of the digital economy. Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres provides you the tools to implement a flexible and efficient backup/recovery plan that attends to your specific environment.
Migrate your current database management system to Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres seamlessly with our Migration Assessment and Data Migration services.
Use Fujitsu's Database Migration Assessment service to determine the feasibility of migrating your current database to Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.