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      Choose your modules from our list of courses, with a learning path including hands-on practice and Fujitsu SoftwareMaster certification.

      Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      On-demand training

      Our convenient online training platform enables customer to acquire the skills necessary to use Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.

      • Self-paced - On-demand access to e-learning and hands-on training courses through our online Learning Management System (LMS).
      • Wide-ranging – We got you covered with courses that provide all you need to learn how to deploy, operate, and develop applications for Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.
      Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres Database Deployment and Management
      Type e-learning
      Level Beginner
      Overview Learn about PostgreSQL and Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres - their architecture, design, construction, and operation
      • Gain general knowledge of PostgreSQL
      • Understand the architecture of PostgreSQL
      • Understand the design, construction, and operation of PostgreSQL
      • Understand the functions of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Target DBAs, engineers, and developers building and operating database environments using Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Duration 10 hrs
      Prerequisite None
      Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres Strength Points for PostgreSQL Engineers
      Type e-learning
      Level Beginner
      Overview Learn about the enhanced features of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres in relation to OSS PostgreSQL
      • Understand the features and functions of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      • Understand the functional differences between Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres and PostgreSQL
      • Understand the improved reliability and security of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      • Understand the basic operation methods of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Target DBAs, engineers, and application developers with PostgreSQL experience who want to understand the functional differences between PostgreSQL and Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Duration 2 hrs
      Prerequisite Basic knowledge of PostgreSQL
      Database Build and Operations for Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Type e-learning + hands-on / BYOPC (Windows)
      Hands-on exercises are conducted by
      downloading and installing
      Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres on the
      participant's own Windows PC
      Level Intermediate
      Overview Deep dive into and gain practical knowledge of the functions of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres such as Mirroring Controller, Transparent Data Encryption, etc.
      The course is composed of e-learning and hands-on exercises.
      • Build a database environment using Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      • Design and operate Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres databases
      Target DBAs, engineers, and developers building and operating database environments using Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.
      Duration 12 hrs
      Prerequisite Basic knowledge of databases
      Practical SQL Guide for Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      Type e-learning + hands-on / BYOPC (Windows)
      Hands-on exercises are conducted by
      downloading and installing
      Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres on the
      participant's own Windows PC
      Level Intermediate
      Overview Deep dive into the functions of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres and application development using SQL.
      The course is composed of e-learning and hands-on exercises.
      • Understand the SQL functions of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      • Understand application development using SQL in Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres
      • Execute SQL in Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres on a real machine
      Target DBAs, engineers, and application developers involved in the operation and development of Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres who want to learn about SQL
      Duration 6 hrs
      Prerequisite Basic knowledge of databases
      Find more about our on-demand courses
      Discover more details about our on-demand Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres training courses.

      Read our latest blogs

      Read our most recent articles regarding all aspects of PostgreSQL and Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.