You can refer to the pg_stat_all_tables view to check when the latest VACUUM ran for a database object. Monitoring should be enabled to capture the details and check for how long the VACUUM process ran.
You can capture the details using any of the following methods:
You can also run VACUUM manually to see how much time the VACUUM process takes.
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres for Kubernetes, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
In most installations, it is sufficient to run AUTOVACCUM. If you are experiencing fragmentation, you might have to adjust the autovacuuming parameters to obtain the best results.
For more information, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part III - Server administration > Chapter 24 - Routine database maintenance tasks > 24.1 - Routine vacuuming.
Because long-term operations can degrade database access performance, consider periodically running the REINDEX command to reorganize indexes. There is no formula available to estimate the execution time for REINDEX, so please refer to the actual measurement in your environment.
For more information, refer to Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres Operation Guide > Chapter 7 - Periodic Operations > 7.5 - Reorganizing Indexes [Linux version] [Windows version].
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres for Kubernetes, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
You should obtain database statistics.
Information about server process, transactions, and locks can be very important to analyze performance issues or delay. However, these may be wiped out when the database is restarted or after a significant amount of time ellpases. Hence, such information should be collected as soon as possible.
Collect the information below to investigate the issue:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
SELECT pid, wait_event_type, wait_event, state, (current_timestamp - xact_start): interval (3) AS duration, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid ();
SELECT l.locktype, c.relname,, l.mode, a.query, (current_timestamp - xact_start) AS duration FROM pg_locks l LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_stat_activity a ON = LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_class c ON l.relation = c.oid WHERE NOT l.granted ORDER BY;
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
This may be happening because postgres_fdw is configured to retrieve a small number of rows in a single fetch, causing it to communicate with the remote server more often, and thus taking longer.
It is possible to reduce the amount of communication with the remote server by increasing the value of the fetch_size option of postgres_fdw.
For more information, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part VIII - Appendixes > Appendix F - Additional supplied modules > F.33 - postgres_fdw > F.33.1 - FDW options of postgres_fdw > F.33.1.4 - Remote execution options
For an example on how to use postgres_fdw, refer to our PostgreSQL Insider article Linking to foreign data using foreign data wrappers.
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
Database performance can degraged when it has a large amount of old version of updated and deleted data. PostgreSQL uses a write-once architecture for writing table data, to minimize lock contention. Therefore, when you execute UPDATE and DELETE statements, the table keeps the old version of the updated or deleted data.
Enable AUTOVACUUM to collect the old version of updated and deleted data, or run the VACUUM and ANALYZE commands manually at regular intervals.
But keep in mind that the VACUUM command may result in heavy I/O traffic and exclusive table lock, which can degrade the performance of other running sessions. When running the VACUUM command, set the relevant parameters to reduce the performance impact.
For more information, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part III - Server administration > Chapter 24 - Routine database maintenance tasks > 24.1 - Routine vacuuming
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
Before changing any configuration parameters, you can check if there is a need to clean unused tuples (tables) from hard disk. If so, run the command as follows:
VACUUM FULL <tablename>
You can also speed up index lookups by tuning the work_mem parameter, which sets the amount of memory for two operations:
Increasing this parameter reduces disk swapping and speeds up index lookups.
The parameter setting can also be changed on a per-session basis by editing postgresql.conf or by using the SET statement.
However, be aware of large memory consumption because the sort and hash operations are performed at the same time, and the work_mem value is applied to each operation.
For more information, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part III - Server administration > Chapter 19 - Server configuration > 19.4 - Resource consumption > 19.4.1 - Memory
You can also speed up extensive searches in Linux system by adjusting the amount of disk readahead in the OS, so that the OS will understand that PostgreSQL is doing a sequential read, and consequently load the page into the cache first, which speeds up index lookups.
To check the current readahead setting:
# blockdev -getra <device-name-for-the-database-area>
To change the current readahead setting:
# blockdev -setra <value-in-512-byte-sectors> <device-name-for-the-database-area>
However, be aware that the effect of the setting will be small if the value exceeds 16 MB (32768 in 512-byte sectors).
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
For more information on the log_min_duration_statement parameter, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part III - Server administration > Chapter 19 - Server configuration > 19.8 - Error reporting and logging > 19.8.2 - When to log > log_min_duration_statement
If you want to log execution plans in addition to SQL statements, use the contrib module auto_explain. By setting a threshold value (SQL statement execution time) for the auto_explain.log_min_duration parameter, execution plans for SQL statements that took longer than the threshold value can be output to the log.For more information on the auto_explain module, refer to PostgreSQL documentation > Part VIII - Appendix > Appendix F - Additional supplied modules > F.4 - auto_explain
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres SE, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
Indexes are created using memory set aside by the maintenance_work_mem parameter, so this value needs to be big enough for the table. If index creation is taking too long in your environment, then you need to increase its value, to around 3 times as much as required during tests.
It is also recommended to create or rebuild the indexes during the maintenance window or off-peak hours to avoid any transaction blocking.
Product: Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres AE, PostgreSQL
Versions: from 9.5
Architecture: X86, S390x
Operating System: Windows, Linux
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