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      Earlier this year, I was in Canada for PGConf 2023, where I talked about the evolution of PostgreSQL from a Berkeley research project to its current status as the most advanced open-source database, and discussed the various changes introduced for PostgreSQL 16, particularly regarding logical replication.

      Now that the PostgreSQL community has released version 16, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to talk to a wider audience, especially if you did not have the chance to join us in Canada.

      In my talk, I focused on the exciting new features introduced in version 16, but I also touched on the past of PostgreSQL - the timeline of its major features in previous versions -, and its future - what the community has been discussing, possibly for implementation in PostgreSQL 17.



      The evolution of PostgreSQL - versions and major milestones

      To better appreciate the long journey that PostgreSQL has taken since its early days, I think it's important to revisit its progress, and the impressive list of features it accumulated along the way, thanks to the work of our committed and dedicated community.

      Evolution of PostgreSQL with its major milestones across versions

      We have started this project in 1997 from the University of California, at Berkeley Project, which had been running since 1986, and from then on, a new version with major features has been released every year. 

      It is interesting to note how, from inception, PostgreSQL has been geared towards handling large volumes of data, and has been evolving since then in that direction.

      With version 15, we introduced the MERGE command, which was being discussed for a couple of years in the community, and we finally had the chance to implement it. We also introduced shared memory statistics, which improved over the previous statistics mechanism, and improved logical replication further, by introducing row and column filters. Finally, we added server-side compression for faster and smaller backups.

      PostgreSQL 16 enhancements and new features

      Version 16 introduces a lot of new features, with several improvements to the logical replication mechanism. One of the most important ones in my view is the ability to perform logical replication from the standby node, which I will discuss below.

      Improvements to logical replication

      • Data can be filtered based on origin during replication.
        CREATE SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'dbname=postgres'
               PUBLICATION  mypub WITH (origin = none);

        Prior to Postgres 16, setting a bi-directional or logical replication among nodes was difficult, because if we set up replication for a table, it would lead to an infinite loop. By adding the ability to filter data based on origin, we can set up n-way logical replication, and that will prevent loops when performing bi-directional replication. You can read more in our blog post Bi-directional replication using origin filtering in PostgreSQL.

      • Logical decoding can be performed from the standby server.

        This requires wal_level = logical on both primary and standby.

        This ability can be used for workload distribution, by allowing subscribers to subscribe from the standby when the primary is busy.

      • The apply process can be configured to perform operations with the table owner's privileges instead of subscription owner's privileges.
               PUBLICATION mypub WITH (run_as_owner = false);
      • Non-superusers can create subscriptions.

        The non-superusers must have been granted pg_create_subscription role, and are required to specify a password for authentication.

        Superusers can set password_required = false for non-superusers that own the subscription.

      • Large transactions can be applied in parallel.
               PUBLICATION mypub WITH (streaming = parallel);

        Performance improvement in the range of 25-40% has been observed (for further details, check here).

        Each large transaction is assigned to one of the available workers, which improves lag by immediately applying instead of waiting till whole transaction is received by the subscriber. The worker remains assigned until the transaction completes.

        max_parallel_apply_workers_per_subscription sets the maximum number of parallel apply workers per subscription.

      • Logical replication can copy tables in binary format.
               PUBLICATION mypub WITH (binary = true);

        Copying tables in binary format may reduce the time spent, depending on column types

      • Indexes other than PK and REPLICA IDENTITY can be used on the subscriber

        Using REPLICA IDENTITY FULL on the publisher can lead to a full table scan per tuple change on the subscriber when REPLICA IDENTITY or PK index is not available.

        The index that can be used must be a btree index, not a partial index, and the leftmost field must be a column (not an expression) that references the remote relation column.

        The performance improvement is proportional to the amount of data in the table.

      Enhancements to storage

      • Performance of relation extension has been improved.

        The newest version provides significant improvement (3x for 16 clients) for concurrent COPY into a single relation.

        The relation extension lock is held just during relation extension, whereas previously the relation extension lock was held while the system:

        • Acquired a victim buffer for the new page (this could require further writing out the old page contents, including possibly needing to flush WAL).
        • Write a zero page during the extension, and then write out the actual page contents (this could nearly double the write rate).
      • HOT updates are allowed if only BRIN-indexed columns are updated.

        We still update BRIN-index if the corresponding columns are updated. This does not apply to attributes referenced in index predicates, an update of such attribute always disables HOT.

      • Direct I/O

        This allows to ask the kernel to minimize caching effects for relation data and WAL files. Currently, this feature reduces system performance, and is not intended for end users, so it is disabled by default. This option can be enabled by GUC debug_io_direct (valid values are: data, wal, wal_init).

        The further plan is to introduce our own I/O mechanisms like read-ahead, etc. to replace the facilities that the kernel disables with this option. Align all I/O buffers at 4096 to have a better performance with direct I/O.

      • Allow freezing at page level during vacuum.

        This reduces the cost of freezing by reducing WAL volume.

      • pg_stat_io view to show detailed I/O statistics

        The view contains one row for each combination of backend type, target I/O object, and I/O context, showing cluster-wide I/O statistics.

        • Example of backend types: background worker, autovacuum worker, checkpointer, etc.
        • Possible type of target I/O objects: Permanent or Temporary relations.
        • Possible values of I/O context: normal, vacuum, bulkread, bulkwrite.

        The view tracks various I/O operations like reads, writes, extends, hits, evictions, reuses, fsyncs. A high evictions count can indicate that shared buffers should be increased. Large numbers of fsyncs by client backends could indicate misconfiguration of shared buffers or of the checkpointer.

        The stats do not differentiate between data which had to be fetched from disk and that which already resided in the kernel page cache.

      • Allow vacuum/analyze to specify buffer usage limit

        A new option BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT has been added, which allows user to control the size of shared buffers. Larger values can make vacuum run faster at the cost of slowing down other concurrent queries.

        vacuum_buffer_usage_limit (GUC) provides another way to control, but BUFFER_USAGE_LIMIT would take precedence. GUC allows even autovacuum to use the specified limit.

        We have also added --buffer-usage-limit option to vacuumdb.

      New SQL features

      The new version comes with a host of new features that give users more options, among others, for collation and JSON data manipulation.

      • Support for text collations (which provide rule for how text is sorted) has been improved.
        CREATE COLLATION en_custom (provider = icu, locale = 'en', rules = '&a < g');

        The line above places  g  after  a , before  b .

        New options are added to CREATE COLLATION, CREATE DATABASE, createdb, and initdb to set the rules.

      • ICU to be allowed as the default collation provider.

        Determine the ICU default locale from the environment.

      • Support added for the pre-defined Unicode and ucs_basic collations.
      • SQL/JSON standard-conforming constructors for JSON types
        • JSON_ARRAY() - Constructs a JSON array from either a series of value_expression parameters or from the results of query_expression.
          SELECT json_array(1,true,json '{"a":null}');
          [1, true, {"a":null}]
        • JSON_ARRAYAGG() - Behaves in the same way as json_array but as an aggregate function so it only takes one value_expression parameter.
          SELECT json_arrayagg(v NULL ON NULL) FROM (VALUES(2),(1),(3),(NULL)) t(v);
          [2, 1, 3, null]
        • JSON_OBJECT() - Constructs a JSON object of all the key/value pairs given, or an empty object if none are given.
          SELECT json_object('code' VALUE 'P123', 'title': 'Jaws', 'title1' : NULL ABSENT ON NULL);
          {"code" : "P123", "title" : "Jaws"}
        • JSON_OBJECTAGG() - Behaves like json_object, but as an aggregate function, so it only takes one key_expression and one value_expression parameter.
          SELECT json_objectagg(k:v) FROM (VALUES ('a'::text,current_date),('b',current_date + 1)) AS t(k,v);
          { "a" : "2023-05-19", "b" : "2023-05-20" }
      • Introduced SQL standard IS JSON predicate


        SELECT js, js IS JSON "json?", js IS JSON SCALAR "scalar?",
               js IS JSON OBJECT "object?", js IS JSON ARRAY "array?"
        FROM (VALUES ('123'), ('"abc"'), ('{"a": "b"}'), ('[1,2]')) foo(js);
            js     | json? | scalar? | object? | array?
        123        | t     | t       | f       | f
        "abc"      | t     | t       | f       | f
        {"a": "b"} | t     | f       | t       | f
        [1,2]      | t     | f       | f       | t
      • Parallel hash full join
         SELECT COUNT(*)
         FROM simple r FULL OUTER JOIN simple s USING (id);
                                QUERY PLAN
        Finalize Aggregate
          ->  Gather
                Workers Planned: 2
                ->  Partial Aggregate
                      ->  Parallel Hash Full Join
                            Hash Cond: (r.id = s.id)
                            ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple r
                            ->  Parallel Hash
                                  ->  Parallel Seq Scan on simple s
      • Parallel aggregate is allowed on string_agg and array_agg
         SELECT y, string_agg(x::text, ',') AS t, array_agg(x) AS a
         FROM pagg_TEST GROUP BY y;
                           QUERY PLAN
        Finalize HashAggregate
          Group Key: y
          ->  Gather
                Workers Planned: 2
                ->  Partial HashAggregate
                      Group Key: y
                      ->  Parallel Seq Scan on pagg_test
      • Aggregates having ORDER BY or DISTINCT can use pre-sorted data

        Previously, we always needed to sort tuples before doing aggregation.

        With PostgreSQL 16, an index can provide pre-sorted input, which will be directly used for aggregation

         SELECT SUM(c1 ORDER BY c1), MAX(c2 ORDER BY c2) FROM presort_test;
                                QUERY PLAN
          ->  Index Scan using presort_test_c1_idx on presort_test
        SET enable_presorted_aggregate=off;
         SELECT SUM(c1 ORDER BY c1), MAX(c2 ORDER By c2) FROM presort_test;
                  QUERY PLAN
          ->  Seq Scan on presort_test
      • The last found partition for RANGE and LIST partition lookups is cached.

        This reduces the overhead of bulk-loading into partitioned tables where many consecutive tuples belong to the same partition.

      • Left join removals and unique joins on partitioned tables are allowed.
        CREATE TEMP TABLE a (id int PRIMARY KEY, b_id int);
        CREATE TEMP TABLE parted_b1 PARTITION OF parted_b FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (10);

         SELECT a.* FROM a LEFT JOIN parted_b pb ON a.b_id = pb.id;
         QUERY PLAN
        Seq Scan on a

      Additions to security/privileges

      • Superuser privileges no longer need to be added for a variety of commands
        • reserved_connections provides a way to reserve connection slots for non-superusers.
        • pg_use_reserved_connections allows the use of connection slots reserved via reserved_connections
      • Support for Kerberos credential delegation has been added
        • This allows the PostgreSQL server to use those delegated  credentials to connect to another service, such as with postgres_fdw or dblink or theoretically any other service  which is able to be authenticated using Kerberos
      • A new libpq connection option require_auth was added to specify a list of acceptable authentication methods.

        The following methods may be specified: password, md5, gss, sspi, scram-sha-256, or none.

        This option can also be used to disallow certain authentication methods, by prefixing the method with !.

        If the server does not use the required authentication request, the connection attempt will fail.

      • libpq can now use the system certificate pool for certificate verification.

        This is enabled with sslrootcert = system. The magic system value will take precedence over a local certificate file with the same name.

      • The GRANT … SET option was added

        The SET option, if set to TRUE, allows the member to change to the granted role using the SET ROLE command. To create an object owned by another role or to give ownership of an existing object to another role, you must have the ability to SET ROLE to that role. Otherwise, commands such as ALTER ... OWNER TO or CREATE DATABASE ... OWNER will fail.

      Miscellaneous performance improvements

      • Performance of pg_strtointnn functions was improved.

        Testing has shown about 8% speedup of COPY into a table containing 2 INT columns.

      • Performance of hash index builds was improved.

        In the initial data sort, if the bucket numbers are the same, then sort on hash value next. The build is sped up by skipping needless binary searches. Hash Index build speed up by 5-15%.

      • Performance of memory management was improved and overhead was reduced.

        The header size for each allocation was reduced from 16+ to 8 bytes, and performance of the slab memory allocator, which is used to allocate memory during logical decoding, was improved.

      • Support for CPU acceleration using SIMD for both x86 and ARM architectures was added.

        This optimizes processing of subtransaction searches and ASCII and JSON strings.

      • Performance of connection load balancing in libpq was improved.

        The setting load_balance_hosts = random allows hosts and addresses to be connected to in random order. This parameter can be used in combination with target_session_attrs to load balance over standby servers only.

        It is recommended to also configure a reasonable value for connect_timeout to allow other nodes to be tried when the chosen one is not responding.

      • LZ4 and Zstandard compression options were added to pg_dump.
      • COPY into foreign tables to add rows in batches in now supported.

        This is controlled by the postgres_fdw batch_size option.


      • Supports a minimum version of Windows 10 for Windows installations.
      • Removes the promote_trigger_file option to enable the promotion of a standby server.

        Users should use the pg_ctl promote command or pg_promote() function to promote a standby.

      • The server variable vacuum_defer_cleanup_age has been removed.

        This has been unnecessary since hot_standby_feedback and replication slots were added.

      • libpq support for SCM credential authentication was removed.
      • Introduced the Meson build system, which will ultimately replace Autoconf.

      Full list

      The full list of new/enhanced features and other changes can be found here.


      What 's next: PostgreSQL 17 and beyond

      Before wrapping up, I would like to share some of the changes that the PostgreSQL community is currently discussing for future PostgreSQL versions, like PostgreSQL 17 and later. Please keep in mind that this list isn't set in stone, and there's no guarantee that all these features will make it to the final cut - it's based on my own observations from the discussions happening within the PostgreSQL community.

      • Various improvements in logical replication:
        • DDL Replication
        • Replication of sequences
        • Synchronization of replication slots to allow failover
        • Upgrade of logical replication nodes
        • Reuse of tablesync workers
      • Reduced number of commands that need superuser privilege.
      • SQL/JSON improvements to make it more standard-compliant.
      • Incremental backups
      • Transparent column encryption/decryption of particular columns on the client.
      • Asynchronous I/O will allow prefetching data and will improve system performance.
      • Large relation files to reduce open/close for huge numbers of file descriptors.
      • Enhance Table AM APIs.
      • Amcheck for Gist and Gin indexes.
      • Improve locking for better scalability.
      • Improvements in vacuum technology by using performance data structure.
      • Improvements in partitioning technology.
      • Improve statistics/monitoring.
      • Transparent data encryption can help in meeting security compliance in many organizations.
      • 64bit XIDs can avoid freezing and reduce the need of autovacuum
      • Parallelism
        • Allow parallel-safe initplans.
        • Parallelize correlated subqueries.
      • Smaller headers in WAL to reduce overall WAL size.
      • Move SLRU into main buffer pool.
      • TOAST improvements: custom formats, and compression dictionaries.
      • CI and build system improvements

      Topics: PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL community, PostgreSQL development, PostgreSQL event

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      Amit Kapila
      Senior Director of Fujitsu's PostgreSQL team, PostgreSQL committer
      Amit Kapila is the Senior Director of Fujitsu's PostgreSQL team, a PostgreSQL commiter and Major Contributor. Amit specialty is working in Database Internals (SQL Engine, Storage Engine, and Replication), and is known for setting up teams from scratch for R&D work.
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