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      This article provides practical knowledge about database system monitoring, with practical examples on relevant commands, functions, and views.
      Four types of monitoring are discussed: life check monitoring and status monitoring, message monitoring, capacity monitoring, and performance monitoring.
      We talk about the importance of database system monitoring in the PostgreSQL Insider article "Overview of database system monitoring - what and how to monitor".

      Life check and status monitoring

      OS commands and PostgreSQL commands used in life check monitoring and status monitoring for the server and PostgreSQL are shown below.

      Type Metrics Commands/functions
      OS PostgreSQL
      Life check
      Server OS response ping -
      PostgreSQL process status ps pg_isready
      SQL execution - Execute simple SQL such as "SELECT 1".
      CPU usage sar
      Memory usage free
      I/O busy rate sar
      Network bandwidth usage sar -

      Next, we will look at how to execute these commands. The options used with each command are examples only. There are other useful options as well that can be used together, so consider what kind of options you need according to your monitoring policy. Use the return value of the command when checking with the shell script.

      Server OS response

      ping command

      Use the ping command to test is a server is reachable. Use the -c option to specify the number of ping requests to attempts - for example, ping -c 1 will try to reach the server only once. To avoid false negatives caused by temporary network disconnections, make a few retries if the ping fails.

      If the server is running, you will see the line 1 packets transmitted, 1 received, indicating that there was a response. The command returns 0 if it executed successfully, or another value if a problem occurred, such as no response was received.

      Execute ping from another server such as the admin server.

      $ ping -c 1
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=1.56 ms

      --- ping statistics ---
      1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 1ms
      rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.569/1.569/1.569/0.000 ms

      $ echo $?

      PostgreSQL process life check

      Execute the operating system's ps command on the PostgreSQL database server to confirm that the specified PostgreSQL process is running. For PostgreSQL, monitoring the master process (postmaster) is recommended - there is no need to monitor Postgres child processes. One or more master processes may be temporarily running , so it is normal to see more than one master process listed.

      ps auxww | grep /bin/postgres
      postgres 3297 0.0 0.0 107464 920 pts/1 S+ 15:15 0:00 grep /bin/postgres
      postgres 17099 0.0 0.0 264536 1828 ? S October07 0:07 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres

      You can also use PostgreSQL's utility pg_isready for life check monitoring. This is a simple command that checks the connection status of a PostgreSQL server, which allows us to know if PostgreSQL processes are running.

      The return values are 0 if the server is accepting connections normally, 1 if the server is rejecting connections, 2 if there is no response to the connection attempt, or 3 if no attempt was made (due to invalid parameters, for example).

      pg_isready can also be executed from a PostgreSQL client (separate machine).

      $ pg_isready -h -accepting connections

      $ echo $?

      SQL execution check

      Execute a simple SQL statement to check if SQL can be executed normally. For example, execute SELECT 1 with psql –c and check that the result is as expected.

      The command returns 0 if successful, or another value otherwise.

      psql can also be executed from a PostgreSQL client (separate machine).

      $ psql -c "SELECT 1" postgres
      (1 row)
      $echo $?

      CPU usage

      Use the operating system's sar command on the PostgreSQL database server to check the CPU usage rate. The -u option shows cumulative usage of all CPUs, and -P ALL shows CPU usage of individual cores.

      In the example below, using sar -u 1 60 will get you data 60 times every 1 second. You can check the CPU usage rate by referring to %user (CPU usage running applications at the user level), %nice (CPU usage running applications at the user level with nice priority), and %system (CPU usage running process at the system level).

      If %user is increasing, it is possible that a specific application is consuming CPU, so check which application it is by using a command such as ps.

      $ sar -u 1 60
      Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 (VM123456.localdomain)  2023-10-03  _x86_64_     (2 CPU)

      06:01:52pm CPU  %user  %nice  %system  %iowait  %steal   %idle
      06:01:53pm all   0.50   0.00    0.50     0.00    0.00    99.00
      06:01:54pm all   0.00   0.00    0.50     0.00    0.00    99.50
      06:01:55pm all   0.00   0.00    0.00     0.00    0.00   100.00
      06:01:56pm all   0.00   0.00    0.50     0.00    0.00    99.50
      06:01:57pm all   1.01   0.00    1.01     0.00    0.00    97.99

      Memory usage

      Use the operating system's free command on the PostgreSQL database server to check the memory usage rate. The -m option displays the values in MB, which is useful since it may be harder to read when displayed in bytes, and the -t option displays the total of physical memory and swap memory.

      To calculate memory usage, use the values in columns total (total capacity) and available (memory estimated to be available without swapping).

      memory usage = (total - available) ÷ total × 100

      $ free -m -t
             total   used   free   shared   buff/cache   available A
      Mem:    3782    848    926      390         2007        2205
      Swap:   3967    373   3594
      Total:  7750   1222   4520
      A available is an item added from Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.

      I/O busy rate

      Use the operating system's iostat command on the PostgreSQL database server to check I/O data for each disk. By default, CPU statistics and disk statistics are displayed. To display more detailed statistical data, specify the -x option.

      • avgrq-sz - Average request size
      • avgqu-sz - Average request queue length
      • await - Average request wait time (in ms)
      • %util - Device bandwith usage
      $ iostat -xkdt
      Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 (VM123456.localdomain) 2020-10-03 _x86_64_ (2 CPU)
      2020-10-03 01:24:32PM
      Device:  rrqm/s wrqm/s   r/s   w/s   rKB/s   wKB/s   avgrq-sz   avgqu-sz   await   r_await   w_await   svctm   %util
      sda        0.00   0.03  0.05  1.32    3.13   37.85     59.83        0.01    3.71      8.79      3.51    0.73    0.10
      dm-0       0.00   0.00  0.05  1.34    3.11   37.79     58.99        0.01    3.70      8.86      3.51    0.72    0.10
      dm-1       0.00   0.00  0.00  0.01    0.01    0.05      8.02        0.00   24.45      6.33     29.17    0.35    0.00

      Network bandwidth usage

      To check network bandwidth, use the operating system's sar command with the -n DEV option on the PostgreSQL database server.

      The transmission line usage status can be checked in the following columns.

      • rxpck/s - Number of packets received in 1 second
      • txpck/s - Number of packets sent in 1 second
      • rxkB/s - KB of packets received in 1 second
      • txkB/s - KB of packets sent in 1 second
      $ sar -n DEV
      Linux 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 (VM123456.localdomain) 2020-10-03 _x86_64_ (2 CPU)

      00:00:01am   IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s   rxkB/s   txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s rxmcst/s
      00:10:02am  ens192      0.40      0.17     0.09     0.01      0.00      0.00     0.01
      00:10:02am      lo      5.16      5.16     1.40     1.40      0.00      0.00     0.00
      00:20:01am  ens192    171.41    110.91   225.16     7.20      0.00      0.00     0.00
      00:20:01am      lo      2.75      2.75     1.00     1.00      0.00      0.00     0.00
      00:30:01am  ens192      0.22      0.00     0.03     0.00      0.00      0.00     0.00
      00:30:01am      lo      2.80      2.80     1.04     1.04      0.00      0.00     0.00

      Message monitoring

      PostgreSQL outputs messages to the server log. Analyse the cause of an error from these messages and take appropriate actions.

      Monitoring item

      Each message has a severity level to indicate the seriousness of the problem. We recommend attending to messages with PANIC, FATAL, and ERROR levels with priority, as they may affect the stable operation of your database. Messages with LOG level also need to be monitored for performance monitoring.

      The log output destination can be changed to syslog by a setting in postgresql.conf, in which case the message level is converted to the levels listed under the syslog column below.

      Severity level Indication syslog
      PANIC Information about an error that caused all database sessions to be interrupted CRIT
      FATAL Information about an error that caused the current session to be interrupted ERR
      ERROR Information about an error that caused the current command to be interrupted WARNING
      LOG Information that administrators needs to know, such as checkpoint activities INFO
      WARNING Warning information for users, like COMMIT outside the transaction block NOTICE
      NOTICE Information to help the user, such as notes about truncating long identifiers NOTICE
      INFO Information implicitly requested by the user, such as the output of VACUUM VERBOSE INFO
      DEBUG1 to
      Continuous, detailed information used by developers DEBUG

      Below are example messages.

      Example 1

      Connection refused (message for connection from outside pg_hba.conf)

      2023-10-03 10:29:05.873 [4043]: … FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "admin", database "postgres", SSL off

      Example 2

      Connection violating a rule (no table access privilege)

      2023-10-03 10:31:22.313 [4139]: … ERROR: The access to table "sales" was denied.

      Key point

      If an error occurs, logged messages will help you identify and analyze the cause. In addition to error messages, PostgreSQL also outputs error location and hints to the log. Use these to analyze and investigate the error.

      Category Content
      STATEMENT The actual process that caused the error
      LOCATION The position in the code where the error occurred
      HINT Cause and workaround of the error that occurred
      CONTEXT Context in which the error occurred (functions, etc.)

      Log output settings

      In order to monitor messages, configure the settings so that messages are output to the log file. The main postgresql.conf parameters required for message monitoring are below.

      Where to output logs

      • log_destination - Log output destination
      • logging_collector - Whether to save the contents of log messages to a file
      • log_directory - Directory for storing log files
      • log_filename - Log file name

      When to collect logs

      • log_min_messages - Severity levels for messages to be written to the server log
      • log_min_error_statement -Severity levels for SQL statements that caused the error to be recorded in the server log
      • log_min_duration_statement - Standard time to complete an SQL statement. The duration of completed SQL statements will be recorded in the server log if the statement ran longer than this specified time

      What to output to the log

      • log_checkpoints - Whether to output information about checkpoints and restart points
      • log_connections - Whether to output information related to connections to the server
      • log_disconnections - Whether to output information related to server disconnections
      • log_lock_waits - Whether to output information when it is taking a certain period of time to acquire a lock

      Capacity monitoring

      It is essential to perform capacity monitoring for database cluster areas (directories specified by the environment variable PGDATA), TABLESPACE areas, and areas for storing archived transaction logs (WAL: Write-Ahead Log). Insufficient capacity of these areas can lead to the issues below:

      • Cannot update data
      • Cannot create new databases or tables
      • Forced termination when WAL disk space is insufficient
      • Data or WAL may be corrupted

      To avoid these issues, monitor disk usage and free space, and take the following actions before running out of space:

      • Delete unnecessary files
      • Distribute databases and tables to multiple disks using tablespaces
      • Use REINDEX to rebuild indexes if index bloat occurs
      • Delete unnecessary archive logs by performing backup
      • Add new disks and move data

      By monitoring the capacity, you can take preventative measures such as adding more disks before running out of space. For example, by coordinating with other tools, you can configure the system to raise an alert when free disk space falls below 20%. Remember to set this threshold to a value that allows sufficient time to handle it.
      The following are the files in PostgreSQL that should be monitored. 

      Monitored data Target directory Commands/functions
      OS PostgreSQL



      $PGDATA/base du
      Directory specified for tablespace (TABLESPACE) pg_tablespace_size
      Temporary areas for disk sort, hash processing, etc. $PGDATA/base/pgsql_tmp -
      Server log $PGDATA/log*1
      syslog /var/log*2
      WAL $PGDATA/pg_wal
      WAL archive Directory specified for WAL archive
      *1: Can be changed via log_directory in postgresql.conf
      *2: Can be changed in /etc/syslog.conf or /etc/rsyslog.conf

      Key points during operation

      Pay attention to free disk space when executing particular SQL commands, including below.

      • VACCUM
        Monitor $PGDATA/pg_wal, since a large amount of WAL is output during this operation.
        Monitor $PGDATA/base, because it impacts the directory that contains the target table or index.
        Also monitor $PGDATA/pg_wal, since a large amount of WAL is also output during this operation.

      Now, we will look at examples using the du command and the pg_database_size function.

      du command

      Use the operating system's du command to check disk usage. Specify the -L option to follow all symbolic links, and either the -k or -m option, to show the size in KB or MB, respectively. The example below displays the disk usage under $PGDATA in MB.

      $ du -L -m $PGDATA
      32    ./$PGDATA/pg_wal             A
      8     ./$PGDATA/base/1             B
      8     ./$PGDATA/base/13968
      8     ./$PGDATA/base/13969         
      23    ./$PGDATA/base/16384         
      0     ./$PGDATA/base/pgsql_tmp     C
      47    ./$PGDATA/base
      1     ./$PGDATA/log                D
      80    ./$PGDATA
      A WAL
      B Tables or indexes when subfolders in 'base'  are named with digits
      C Temporary area for disk sort, hash processing, etc.
      D Server log

      pg_database_size function

      Use PostgreSQL's pg_database_size function to check disk space used by the database. The disk capacity used by the database is acquired from the system catalog pg_database, which stores database information.

      postgres=# SELECT datid,datname FROM pg_stat_database;
       datid  | datname
       13969  | postgres
       16384  | testdb
           1  | template1
        13968 | template0
      (4 rows)


      When using the du command to check disk capacity used by databases, check the oid of the databases in advance to identify the target database.

      In the example output above, we can see that the oid of testdb is 16384. Looking at the result of the du command listed before that, the disk usage of ./$PGDATA/base/16384 is 23, which matches the result 23 MB of pg_database_size below.

      postgres=# SELECT datname, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) FROM pg_database;
       datname   | pg_size_pretty
       postgres  | 8035 kB
       testdb    | 23 MB
       template1 | 7897 KB
       template0 | 7897 KB
      (4 rows)

      Performance monitoring

      Regularly obtaining performance information will allow you to identify differences in a meaningful timeframe. The recommended frequency for this is at least once a day. For details on monitoring intervals, refer to "Overview of database system monitoring - what and how to monitor > Monitoring intervals and thresholds".

      PostgreSQL's statistics view collects and accumulates various information related to operating conditions. You can monitor performance here.

      Metrics Type of view/catalogue
      Slow queries pg_stat_statements
      Transactions that have been pending for a long time pg_stat_activity
      Queries with long lock wait time pg_locks
      Number of simultaneous connections pg_stat_activity
      Throughput (commit/rollback count) pg_stat_database
      Replication delay (when replication setup is used) pg_stat_replication
      Unused space (free space created by inserting or deleting data) pg_stat_all_tables
      Index dispersion (whether the order of indexes and the order of tables are the same) pg_stats

      Key point

      When statistics views are displayed, the default display format is landscape, which wraps lines when there are a large number of columns. For an easier view, it is possible to change to the vertical display. Enable the extended table format mode with the meta command \x. To revert the display setting, execute \x again.

      postgres=# \x
      Extension view is on.

      Here, we take a look at examples of views with pg_stat_statements, pg_stat_activity, and pg_stat_database.

      pg_stat_statements view

      This view is useful to investigate slow queries. Columns of note are userid (OID of the user who executed the SQL), query (text of the SQL executed), calls (number of the the SQL was executed), and total_exec_time (total time spent executing the SQL, in ms).

      We provide examples of using the pg_stat_statements view in the PostgreSQL Insider article "Overview of SQL tuning > How to detect slow SQL using the statistics view".

      pg_stat_activity view

      Use this view to check if there are transactions pending for a long time or to check the number of simultaneous connections. Check xact_start (transaction start time) to see if there are any transactions pending for a long time. No value is output when no transaction is being executed at that time. If any value is shown from a while ago, it means that a transaction has been pending. To check the number of simultaneous connections, check the current number of rows in the view.

      postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
      -[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------

      -[ RECORD 3 ] ----+--------------------------------
      datid             | 16384
      datname           | testdb
      pid               | 52101
      usesysid          | 10
      usename           | fsepyu
      application_name  | psql
      client_addr       |
      client_hostname   |
      client_port       | -1
      backend_start     | 2020-10-24 16:12:31.215987+09
      xact_start        | 2020-10-24 16:18:33.466929+09
      query_start       | 2020-10-24 16:18:33.466929+09
      state_change      | 2020-10-24 16:18:33.466934+09
      wait_event_type   |
      wait_event        |
      state             | active
      backend_xid       |
      backend_xmin      | 625
      query             | select * from pg_stat_activity;
      backend_type      | client backend
      - [ RECORD 4 ]----+--------------------------------

      Other important data is also provided by the pg_stat_activity view, such as backend_start (time when the process started), query_start (time when the query started), wait_event_type (status of waiting), wait_event (type of event that the backend is waiting), state (current status of backend), query (last executed query), and backend_type (type of current backend). Look at these data comprehensively for best practice.

      The values displayed in state and their status are listed below.

      Value Status
      active Query is in progress.
      idle Waiting for a new client command.
      idle in transaction In a transaction block, but there are no queries currently executing.
      idle in transaction (aborted) Similar to idle in transaction, but there is a statement with an error in the transaction.
      fastpath function call The backend is executing a fast-path function.
      disabled This value is reported if the track_activities parameter is disabled in this backend.

      pg_stat_database view

      This view provides, among other information, xact_commit (number of transactions committed in the database) and xact_rollback (number of transactions rolled back in the database). Throughput can be calculated by periodically acquiring xact_commit and using the formula below:

      ((xact_commit read this time) - (xact_commit previously read)) ÷ interval between reads

      Similarly, the number of rollbacks per unit of time can also be calculated.

      postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = 'testdb';
      -[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------
      datid             | 16410
      datname           | testdb
      numbackends       | 1
      xact_commit       | 100712
      xact_rollback     | 4
      blks_read         | 5319
      blks_hit          | 4789458
      tup_returned      | 1331468
      tup_fetched       | 418409
      tup_inserted      | 300222
      tup_updated       | 300068
      tup_deleted       | 100
      conflicts         | 0
      temp_files        | 8
      temp_bytes        | 4055040
      deadlocks         | 0
      blk_read_time     | 0
      blk_write_time    | 0
      stats_reset       | 2020-10-08 17:21:20.849929+09

      Cache hit rate can be calculated by using blks_read (number of blocks read in this database) and blks_hit (number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary). In memory tuning, the goal is to get this rate close to 100.

      postgres=# SELECT (blks_hit * 100.0)/(blks_hit + blks_read + 1)
      postgres-# FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = 'testdb';
      -[ RECORD 1 )-----------------
      ?column? | 99.8509535098438171

      In this article, we explained what kind of data in the database system should be monitored, focusing on metrics and types of monitoring. By monitoring from various viewpoints according to the requirements of your database system, anomalies and their signs can be detected earlier.
      Knowing the status of your database system when stable, monitoring to maintain that status, and taking optimal actions against abnormal conditions are key to a highly available system.

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