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      In this blog, Nishchay Kothari from Fujitsu's Center of Excellence team guides you to leverage PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) authentication in your Postgres system.

      As is common knowledge, security is the top worry in the technological sector, particularly regarding data and information. As a result, every database today prioritizes security as its top initiative.

      Security is not an afterthought in a solid database system; it is an integral part of it. Strong PostgreSQL protections are based on a foundation of careful design and watchful setup.


      Security typically refers to preventing unauthorized access to your data. Consequently, this indicates that only authorized users can access the system and its data. Which user is allowed access to the database is determined through authentication. The user who can "log in" to the database system, to put it in another way.

      As PostgreSQL offers a variety of authentication techniques, they can be categorized into three groups as follows.

      • PostgreSQL Internal Authentication
      • Operating System Authentication
      • External Server Authentication

      The table below shows all the supported authentication methods sorted by categories.

      PostgreSQL Internal Authentication Operating System Authentication External Server Authentication
      Trust Peer LDAP
      Md5 Ident RADIUS
      Scram-sha-256 PAM SSPI
      Reject - GSSAPI
      Cert - -

      PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is one of the authentication methods categorized in Operating System Authentication. This mechanism is used to verify each user’s identity through a process called authentication. I'll demonstrate how to set up PAM in Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres in this blog.

      PAM authentication

      With the exception of the fact that PAM is used as the authentication mechanism, this authentication technique functions identically to password.

      PAM checks the linked remote host name or IP address as well as the user name and password pairs. Therefore, before PAM can be used for authentication purposes, we must ensure that the user exists in the database.

      The following PAM configuration options are supported.

      • pamservice
        Specify PAM service name. In OSS PostgreSQL, "postgresql" is the default PAM service name; however, in FEP, you must manually construct the service with a meaningful name, such as "fep".
        The PAM service is located at "/etc/pam.d/.".
      • pam_use_hostname
        This option determines whether the remote IP address or the host name is provided to PAM modules through the PAM_RHOST item.

      Let's now see the procedures for setting up PAM authentication in Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.

      Steps to configure PAM authentication in Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres

      1. Before configuring PAM authentication, make sure that the Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres server supports PAM authentication. It must have been set at compile time when the server binaries were created. Verify with the following command.

        [fsepuser@pam ~]$ pg_config | grep with-pam
        CONFIGURE = '--with-libraries=/file1/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/ORG/pclmods/pclmods_rhel7_64/lib:/filel/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/OUT/1ibedit/64/li
        64/lib:/file1/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/OUT/Kerberos5/64/lib' '--with-includes=/file1/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/ORG/pclmods/pclmods_rhel7_64/includ
        64/include:/filel/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/OUT/Kerberos5/64/include --with-icu' '--enable-nls' '--with-pgport-27500' '--with-libedit-prefe
        rred' '--with-openssl' '--with-krb-srvnam-postgres' '--with-gssapi' '--with-ldap' '--with-ossp-uuid"--with-libxml' '--with-libxslt'
        --with-perl' '--with-python' '--with-tel' '--with-telconfig /usr/lib64' '--with-pam' '--with-1z4' '--enable-tap-tests' '--with-selinux'
        /11vm-toolset-10.0/root/lib64 -Wl,-R/opt/rh/llvm-toolset-10.0/root/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,S$ORIGIN/../lib'''--enable-new-dtags --prefix
        =/filel/FEP/BUILD/buildwork/OUT/postgres/64'--with-11vm' LLVM_CONFIG=/opt/rh/11vm-toolset-10.0/root/usr/bin/11vm-config' CLANG=/opt *PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt
        /rh/11vm-toolset-10.0/root/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/opt/rh/devtoolset-8/root -I
        /usr/include 'ICU_LIBS--licui18n -licuuc -licudata 'PYTHON /usr/bin/python3.6" /th/11vm-toolset-10.0/root/usr/bin/clang' /usr/lib64/pkgconfig' 'ICU_CFLAGS=-D_REENTRANT
        [fsepuser@pam ~]$

      2. Since it is verified that FEP supports PAM, the next step is to create a service file for PAM inside of "/etc/pam.d" with a meaningful name, in this example "fep". The file includes the essential information as shown below, then save the file.

        [root@pam ~]# vi /etc/pam.d/fep
        auth      include   system-auth
        account   include   system-auth
        password  include   system-auth
        session   include   system-auth

      3. Change the permission to shadow as below. “shadow” file is located inside the “/etc”.

        [root@pam etc]# chmod 444 /etc/shadow
        [root@pam etc]# 11 -1rt /etc/shadow
        -r--r--r--. 1 root root 2168 Oct 26 00:10 /etc/shadow
        [root@pam etc]#

      4. Modify the "pg_hba.conf" file as below. It is also possible to specify the specific user by entering the user name in the user field.

        # TYPE  DATABASE      USER        ADDRESS          METHOD

        # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
        local   all           all                           trust

        # IPv4 local connections:
        #host   all          all      trust
        #host   all          all         trust
        host    all          all   pam pamservice=fep

        # IPv6 local connections:
        host   all           all         ::1/128           trust
        # Allow replication connections from localhost, by a user with the
        # replication privilege.
        local   replication   all                           trust
        host    replication   all      trust
        host    replication   all         ::1/128           trust

      5. The OS user and the database user must be the same. Therefore, before using PAM for authentication, ensure that the user exists in the database.
        In this example, the OS user "pamtest" was created.

        [root@pam ~]# ll -lrt /home/
        total 4
        drwx------. 16 joy      joy       4096 Oct 25 13:39 joy
        drwx------.  6 fsepuser fsepuser   179 Dec  1 10:34 fsepuser
        [root@pam ~]# useradd pamtest
        [root@pam ~]# passwd pamtest
        Changing password for user pamtest.
        New password:
        BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 7 characters
        Retype new password:
        passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
        [root@pam ~]# ll -lrt /home/
        total 4
        drwx------. 16 joy      joy       4096 Oct 25 13:39 joy
        drwx------.  6 fsepuser fsepuser   179 Dec  1 10:34 fsepuser
        drwx------.  3 pamtest  pamtest     78 Dec  1 10:54 pamtest
        [root@pam ~]#

      6. Now, create the database user with the same name as the OS user. Create it without any password.

        [fsepuser@pam ~]$ psql postgres
        psql (14.0)
        Type "help" for help.
        postgres= \du
                                          List of roles
         Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
         fep       |                                                            | {}
         fsepuser  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}

        postgres=# create user pamtest with login;
        postgres=# \du
                                          List of roles
         Role name |                         Attributes                         | Member of
         fep       |                                                            | {}
         fsepuser  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Bypass RLS | {}
         pamtest   |                                                            | {}

      7. Connect to the database with the database user "pamtest" created above.

        [fsepuser@pam ~]$ psql -h -U pamtest –d postgres
        Password for user pamtest:
        psql (14.0)
        Type "help" for help.


        It is verified that "pamtest" user is able to log in to the database by entering the same OS user password.


      By leveraging PostgreSQL's effective PAM authentication features, you may improve the security of your database system by adding an extra layer of authentication and access control.

      Furthermore, for organizations seeking a centralized and scalable approach to user authentication, my previous technical blog Connecting Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres to Active Directory for Authentication using LDAP will assist you in discovering the benefits and implementation of LDAP authentication in the Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres database.

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