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      If the PostgreSQL server and client have different character encoding, PostgreSQL will automatically convert the character set, and this may cause unexpected results.

      Let's say that the character set of the PostgreSQL server is UTF-8 and you connect to the server via a Windows client, which uses the SJIS encoding by default. In such a case, the client encoding will be used for the data unless you specify a different one.

      If you want to use the encoding of the server when extracting data to a file, use the COPY command and specify the PostgreSQL server encoding in the ENCODING option.

      Execution example

      In this example, the character encoding of the PostgreSQL server is UTF-8 and you want to extract the data  from myschema.table1 to C:\tmp\table1.txt.

      mydb=# \copy myschema.table1 to 'C:\tmp\table1.txt' encoding 'UTF8';
      Use the meta command (\copy) to access the client file. The encoding of the data output to C:\tmp\table1.txt will be UTF-8 as specified above.

      Key points

      • The data is copied using the encoding specified in the ENCODING option or the current encoding used on the client.
        If you omit the ENCODING option, the client encoding is used. An error will occur if the table contains characters that are not supported by the client encoding.
      • There are the following ways to change the client encoding after connection. You can also use the PGCLIENTENCODING environment variable to set the client encoding when connecting to the server.
        • Use the \encoding command in psql
        • Use functions that control the client encoding of libpq
        • Use SET client_encoding TO
      • Note that the encoding conversion occurs in the same way even when storing data from a file to a table with the COPY command.
      • To query the current client encoding, run SHOW client_encoding in psql.
        mydb=# SHOW client_encoding;
        (1 row)
      For more information on how to copy data between a table and a file, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation, section COPY.


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