------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-5.el7.x86_64 Product Names and Versions: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres WebAdmin 13 Creation date: 06.12.2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [High Risk Activity] The Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Product is designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, general office use, personal use, household use, and ordinary industrial use, but is not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for use accompanying fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (hereinafter "High Safety Required Use"), including without limitation, nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system. The Customer, shall not use the Product without securing the sufficient safety required for the High Safety Required Use. In addition, Fujitsu (or other affiliate's name) shall not be liable against the Customer and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with the High Safety Required Use of the Product. Product and company names mentioned in this manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 2021-2024 FUJITSU LIMITED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Notes] - This is the readme for RHEL 7. - This patch can be applied only to the WebAdmin. - Apply the following patches at the same time. - FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-5.el7.x86_64.rpm - FJSVfsep-WAD-ORJ-13-1300-5.el7.x86_64.rpm - Please stop WebAdmin and the instance before applying or removing the patch. - Please set up WebAdmin after applying or removing the patch. - Please start WebAdmin and the instance after applying or removing the patch. - This patch modifies the System V IPC parameter settings on the database server when WebAdmin creates and deletes instances. Therefore, setting the System V IPC parameter is required if you want to remove instances created before this patch is applied after this patch is applied, and if you want to remove instances created after this patch is applied after this patch is restored. (1) If an instance created before this patch is removed after this patch is applied, add the following values to the System V IPC parameter after the instance is removed. - kernel.sem 2nd parameter: 17 (addition) - kernel.sem 4th parameter: 1 (addition) (2) If you want to remove an instance created after applying this patch after restoring this patch, add and subtract the following values to the System V IPC parameters after removing the instance. - kernel.shmall: ((21335936+<30% of database server memory(byte)>) *1.05/4096)+1 (addition) - kernel.sem 2nd parameter: 17 (subtraction) - kernel.sem 4th parameter: 1 (subtraction) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Patch Description] The following fixes are included in this patch: Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-5.el7.x86_64 01 PH23790 [ ]Security failure [*]Serious failure ([*]Degradation) [ ]Incompatibility does not exist / [*]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description [Issue 1] Regarding the value of the PostgreSQL configuration value 'Number of digits for floating values' in the instance which is created by WebAdmin, the value on the screen may differ from the value of corresponding postgresql.conf parameter. - Value in the screen of WebAdmin Value: 0 Parameter name and value in postgresql.conf Name: extra_float_digits Value: 1 [Issue 2] The actual number of digits of the value may differ from the expected number such as the output precision to be reduced when the stored value in the instance which is created by WebAdmin is output as textual output of floating-point values. - Requirements to reproduce this issue [Requirements to reproduce 1] 1) Create the instance by using WebAdmin, and 2) Select the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' and display the item 'Number of digits for floating values' in the section 'SQL options'. [Requirements to reproduce 2] 1) Create the instance by using WebAdmin, and 2) Select the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' and change the value of items in the edit view, and 3) Save the change of PostgreSQL configuration, and 4) Connect to the instance 1), and output the floating-point value which is stored in the database as text. The issue is that WebAdmin incorrectly set the value as not 1 but 0 in either case, when using the PostgreSQL default value for the parameter. - Action Fix the default value in the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' in WebAdmin. - Compatibility Information - Summary The value of the item 'Number of digits for floating values' which is set in the section 'SQL options' in the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' is may be differed. - Environment It may occur under the following conditions. 1) Create the instance by using WebAdmin before applying this fix, and 2) Change no item in the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' before applying this fix, and 3) Display the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' after applying this fix. - Products combination of this compatibility problem When the item 'Number of digits for floating values' is confirmed or changed after applying this fix. - Reason of conflictions The default value of the item 'Number of digits for floating values' is set correctly by this fix. - Impacts If it matches the condition, the displayed value of the item 'Number of digits for floating values' is different. Or if any item in the view 'PostgreSQL configuration' is changed, the value might be different from the value before applying this fix. - Functional items (Summary, Before/After of migration) The value of the item 'Number of digits for floating values' which is set by WebAdmin is different. [Before] 0 [After] 1 - Preventive Method No need because the correct value is set by the fix. However, if the same behavior as before applying this fix is required, change the value of the item 'Number of digits for floating values'. - Back out method of the functions None. - User action It is the same as the Preventive Method. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Accumulated Patches] The following fixes are included in this patch: Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-4.el7.x86_64 01 PH22902 [ ]Security failure [ ]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description When a emergency modification of FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres is applied, The following folder and file owners and groups are changed to non-root values. - /var/opt/FJSVfupde/backup//PKG - /var/opt/FJSVfupde/backup//TOOL - Requirements to reproduce this issue 1) Install the following products, and FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres Advanced Enterprise Server Edition 14SP1 FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres Advanced Edition 12 - 14SP1 FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres Standard Edition 12 - 14SP1 Symfoware Server Enterprise Extended Edition(Postgres) V12.5.0 - V12.7.0 Symfoware Server Enterprise Edition(Postgres) V12.4.1 - V12.7.0 Symfoware Server Standard Edition(Postgres) V12.4.1 - V12.7.0 2) Apply an emergency modification to a product of 1). - Action Modify owner and group to root. - Compatibility Information None. 02 PH23993 [*]Security failure [*]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description This fix applies Apache Tomcat changes to the product. - Requirements to reproduce this issue This fix applies Apache Tomcat 9.0.89 changes to the product. Please also refer the changelog for the Apache Tomcat to check the details. https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/changelog.html - Action Apply Apache Tomcat changes to the product. - Compatibility Information None. Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-3.el7.x86_64 01 PH22179 [*]Security failure [*]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description If the malicious JDBC application uses cursor, this could lead to SQL injection. (*) * CVE-2022-31197 - Requirements to reproduce this issue 1) Create a table which has a primary key and column name which contains semicolon, and 2) Insert data into the table defined at 1), and 3) Create an updatable cursor which refers the table defined at 1) in a Java applications using JDBC driver, and 4) Call executeQuery() method for the cursor defined at 3) and obtain ResultSet, and 5) Call next() method for the ResultSet obtained at 4), and 6) Call refreshRow() method for the ResultSet obtained at 4). - Action Fix the process of PostgreSQL JDBC Driver that FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres bases on. - Compatibility Information None. Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-2.el7.x86_64 01 PH21435 [*]Security failure [*]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description This fix applies Apache Log4j changes to the product. - Requirements to reproduce this issue This fix applies Apache Log4j 2.17.1 changes to the product. Please also refer the changelog for the Apache Log4j to check the details. https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/changelog.html - Action Apply Apache Log4j changes to the product. - Compatibility Information None. Fix Number: FJSVfsep-WAD-13-1300-1.el7.x86_64 01 PH17555 [ ]Security failure [ ]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description WebAdmin may fail to start the Mirroring Controller. - Requirements to reproduce this issue [Issue 1] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.5 WebAdmin, and 2) Synchronous replication, and 3) The standby instance is created on the remote server, and 4) The user name in the OS credentials and the user name in the replication credentials are the same, and 5) The OS credential password is different from the replication credential password, and 6) Perform Mirroring Controller setup. [Issue 2] 1) Using one of the following WebAdmins:, and 1-1) FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.5, or 1-2) FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.6, or, 1-3) FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10, or 1-4) FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 11, or 1-5) FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 12. 2) Synchronous replication, and 3) The standby instance is created on the remote server, and 4) The user name in the OS credentials and the user name in the replication credentials are different, and 5) Perform Mirroring Controller setup. - Action Modify the WebAdmin Mirroring Controller setup process. - Compatibility Information None. 02 PH19280 [ ]Security failure [ ]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [ ]Incompatibility does not exist / [*]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([*]Always / [ ]Rarely / [ ]Irregularly) - Description [Issue 1] Japanese messages may be output when "English" is selected as the WebAdmin language. [Issue 2] English messages may be output when "Japanese" is selected as the WebAdmin language. - Requirements to reproduce this issue Issue 1 occurs when the system locale of the WebAdmin server is Japanese and you select "English" as the language for WebAdmin. Issue 2 occurs when the system locale of the WebAdmin server is English and you select "Japanese" as the language for WebAdmin. [Requirements 1] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 or later, and 2) Create an instance in WebAdmin, and 3) Click the "Instance configuration" button, and 4) Click the "Edit" button on the "PostgreSQL configuration" screen, and 5) Set the "Following async WAL senders" field to a value that matches one of the following formats:, and - {off | on | write | apply} (off | on | write | apply) Example:on (off), on (apply) - {on | write | apply} (Synchronization standby server name) Example:on (appname) "off", "on", "write", and "apply" are not case sensitive. Note:The "Follow Asynchronous WAL Transmission" item can have the following format:. {off|on|write|apply} [(asynchronous_standby_name [,...])] 6) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 2] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.6 or later, and 2) Create an instance in WebAdmin, and 3) Click the "Instance configuration" button, and 4) Click the "Edit" button on the "PostgreSQL configuration" screen, and 5) Set the "Synchronous standby names" field to a value that matches one of the following formats:, and - [FIRST] num (first | any) Example:FIRST 2 (Any), 2 (Any), first - any num (first | any) Example:any 2 (Any), any 2 (first) "FIRST" and "Any" are not case sensitive. Note:The "Synchronous standby names" item can have the following format:. [FIRST] num_sync (standby_name [,...]) ANY num_sync (standby_name [,...]) standby_name [,...] 6) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 3] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.6 or later, and 2) Create an instance of the primary standby configuration in WebAdmin, and The following is a description of each. - Server Product Type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 11 - Primary instance: inst1, Standby instance: inst2 3) Stops inst2 and renames the data storage path to inst2_bk, and 4) Remove inst2 in WebAdmin, and 5) Rename inst2_bk to inst2, change the contents of the inst2/PG_VERSION file to 10 or 9.5, and save, and 6) Click the "Import instance" button on WebAdmin and enter the inst2 information you renamed in 5), and 7) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 4] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 9.6 or later, and 2) Create an instance of the primary standby configuration in WebAdmin, and The following is a description of each. - Server Product Type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 11 - Primary instance: inst1, Standby instance: inst2 3) Stops inst2 and renames the data storage path to inst2_bk, and 4) Remove inst2 in WebAdmin, and 5) Rename inst2_bk to inst2, change the contents of the inst2/PG_VERSION file to 9.6, and save, and 6) Click the "Import instance" button on WebAdmin and enter the inst2 information you renamed in 5), and 7) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 5] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 or later, and 2) Create a standalone instance in WebAdmin that meets the following criteria:, and - OS: Linux - Location: Local 3) Create a standalone instance in WebAdmin that meets the following criteria:, and - OS: Windows - Location: Remote 4) Select an instance of 2) and click the "Join replication cluster" button, and 5) Select an instance of 3) for the "Replication host name" item on the "Join replication cluster" screen, and 6) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 6] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 or later, and 2) Create a standalone instance in WebAdmin that meets the following criteria:, and - Server product type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 - Location: Local 3) Create a standalone instance on the WebAdmin screen that meets the following criteria:, and - Server product type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 - Location: Remote - Remote WebAdmin port for standalone: Enter the port for FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 4) Select the instance created in 2) and click the "Join replication cluster" button, and 5) Select the instance created in 3) in the "Replication host name" item on the "Join replication cluster" screen, and 6) Click the "Save" button. [Requirements 7] 1) Using FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 10 or later, and 2) Create a standalone instance in WebAdmin that meets the following criteria:, and - Server product type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 11 - Location: Local - OS: Linux 3) Create a standalone instance on the WebAdmin screen that meets the following criteria:, and - Server product type: FUJITSU Enterprise Postgres 11 - Location: Local - OS: Linux 4) Create an empty recovery.conf file as the root user in the data storage path of the instance created in 2), and 5) Select the instance created in 2) and click the "Join replication cluster" button, and 6) Select the instance created in 3) in the "Replication host name" item on the "Join replication cluster" screen, and 7) Click the "Save" button. - Action Fix the processing of message output of WebAdmin. - Compatibility Information - Summary Changes the messages that WebAdmin outputs. - Environment WebAdmin language and system locale are different. - Products combination of this compatibility problem It is described in the environment. - Reason of conflictions The failure of WebAdmin is corrected. - Impacts Messages are output in the WebAdmin language. - Functional items (Summary, Before/After of migration) Messages are output in the WebAdmin language. (Before) Messages are output in the system locale. (After) Messages are output in the WebAdmin language. - Preventive Method None. - Back out method of the functions None. - User action None. 03 PH19888 [ ]Security failure [ ]Serious failure ([ ]Degradation) [*]Incompatibility does not exist / [ ]Incompatibility exists - Frequency ([ ]Always / [ ]Rarely / [*]Irregularly) - Description When you view the instance information in WebAdmin, "Please wait" may remain displayed and become unresponsive. - Requirements to reproduce this issue 1) Creating a DB instance on a different server than the WebAdmin server you are logging in to, and 2) In WebAdmin, do one of the following, and 2-1) Login, or 2-2) Refresh the instance, or 2-3) Select another instance, or 2-4) Reload the instance, or 2-5) Backup of the instance, or 2-6) Restore the instance, or 2-7) Start the instance, or 2-8) Stop the instance, or, 2-9) Transition from the instance configuration screen, or, 2-10) From the client authentication screen for the instance, or, 2-11) Transition from the Create Standby Instance screen, or 2-12) Promote a standby instance, or 2-13) Transition from the Mirroring Controller setup screen, or 2-14) Transition from the Join Replication Clusters screen, or 2-15) From the Import Instance screen, or 2-16) Transition from the Edit Instance screen, or 2-17) Transition from the Wallet screen, or 2-18) From WebAdmin repository configuration screen. 3) When 2) is carried out, any of the following occurs. 3-1) An error occurs in the network between the WebAdmin server and the database server, or 3-2) WebAdmin on the database server stops. This failure is not always occurred when "Requirements to reproduce this issue" is satisfied. - Action Fix what happens when an instance fails to get information. - Compatibility Information None. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [List of fixed files] Files replaced by the patch: $INS_DIR/cmd/checkdisk $INS_DIR/cmd/checkpgpid $INS_DIR/cmd/fsep_certify $INS_DIR/cmd/fsep_check $INS_DIR/cmd/fsep_cmd $INS_DIR/cmd/fsep_fchk $INS_DIR/cmd/fsep_services $INS_DIR/cmd/getdiskinf $INS_DIR/cmd/pspa_cirtify $INS_DIR/cmd/pspa_cmd $INS_DIR/cmd/pspa_fr $INS_DIR/cmd/pspa_fw $INS_DIR/cmd/pspa_pgctl $INS_DIR/cmd/tunekernel $INS_DIR/etc/product.inf $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/css/style.css $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/images/favicon.ico $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/images/logo.svg $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/images/product-name.svg $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/images/sprite.svg $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/index.jsp $INS_DIR/etc/template/ROOT/js/script.js $INS_DIR/etc/template/server.xml.default $INS_DIR/jre/COPYRIGHT $INS_DIR/jre/LICENSE $INS_DIR/jre/README $INS_DIR/jre/THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt $INS_DIR/jre/Welcome.html $INS_DIR/jre/bin/java $INS_DIR/jre/bin/jjs $INS_DIR/jre/bin/keytool $INS_DIR/jre/bin/orbd $INS_DIR/jre/bin/pack200 $INS_DIR/jre/bin/policytool $INS_DIR/jre/bin/rmid $INS_DIR/jre/bin/rmiregistry $INS_DIR/jre/bin/servertool $INS_DIR/jre/bin/tnameserv $INS_DIR/jre/bin/unpack200 $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/fjvm/Xusage.txt $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/fjvm/fjvmrc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/fjvm/libjvm.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/jli/libjli.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/jvm.cfg $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libawt.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libawt_headless.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libawt_xawt.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libdcpr.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libdt_socket.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libfontmanager.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libhprof.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libinstrument.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libj2gss.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libj2pcsc.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libj2pkcs11.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjaas_unix.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjava.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjava_crw_demo.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjawt.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjdwp.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjpeg.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjsdt.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjsig.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjsound.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libjsoundalsa.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/liblcms.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libmanagement.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libmlib_image.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libnet.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libnio.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libnpt.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libsctp.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libsplashscreen.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libsunec.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libt2k.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libunpack.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libverify.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/amd64/libzip.so $INS_DIR/jre/lib/calendars.properties $INS_DIR/jre/lib/charsets.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/classlist $INS_DIR/jre/lib/cmm/CIEXYZ.pf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/cmm/GRAY.pf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/cmm/LINEAR_RGB.pf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/cmm/PYCC.pf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/cmm/sRGB.pf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/content-types.properties $INS_DIR/jre/lib/currency.data $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/cldrdata.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/dnsns.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/jaccess.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/meta-index $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/nashorn.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/sunec.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/sunpkcs11.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/ext/zipfs.jar $INS_DIR/jre/lib/flavormap.properties $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.RedHat.5.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.RedHat.5.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.RedHat.6.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.RedHat.6.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.10.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.10.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.11.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.11.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.Turbo.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.Turbo.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.bfc $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fontconfig.properties.src $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightDemiBold.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightDemiItalic.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightItalic.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaBrightRegular.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaSansRegular.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterBold.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/LucidaTypewriterRegular.ttf $INS_DIR/jre/lib/fonts/fonts.dir $INS_DIR/jre/lib/hijrah-config-umalqura.properties $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/cursors.properties $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/invalid32x32.gif $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/motif_CopyDrop32x32.gif $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/motif_CopyNoDrop32x32.gif $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/motif_LinkDrop32x32.gif $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/motif_LinkNoDrop32x32.gif $INS_DIR/jre/lib/images/cursors/motif_MoveDrop32x32.gif 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